Në kuadër të projektit "Parandalimi i rreziqeve për praktikat e qëndrueshme mjedisore për fermerët - PRESPA" si pjesë e programit të bashkëpunimit ndërkufitar ndërmjet Maqedonisë së Veriut dhe Shqipërisë, financuar nga Bashkimi Evropian, u zhvillua një vizitë në kantierin e ndërtimit. të rrjetit të ujërave të zeza dhe impianteve të trajtimit në komunën e Resnjës dhe komunën e Devollit.
Center for civic initiative within the project "Prevention of risks for environmental sustainable practices for agro producers - PRESPA" as part of the Cross-border Cooperation Programme between North Maceodnia and Albania funded by the European Union, is publishing a tender for building of sewerage system and Waste water treatment plant in Municipality of Resen and Municipality of Devoll.
More information can be found in the tender dossier under the following link
Dibra Tourism Action Plan is a project still in process.This project consists of Marketing Solutions,Activities,Components,National and International Tourists,Thermal Baths,Atractions,Infrastructure,Ways of Transport,Archeological excavations,etc.
Below is a short introduction of the main terms.
Marketing: Creating a page on internet,Social Media should be used,Creating the National Calendar,Suggestions about the Calendar program,Documentarys related to festivals,Oda Dibrane functioning as an institution,etc.
Activities: Different fairs,popular games and other activities.
Components: Finding attractions,infrastructure,people,marketing and activities + events.
International Tourists: Visit Dibra mostly for Hiking,Cycling,Rafting,Walking,the Virgin Nature,Diversity of Flora,Fauna,Climate and Relief but also the Traditional Kitchen.
Attractions: Different waterfalls,mountains,fields,villages,etc.
Infrastructure: Describing the road conditions and which part can be driven by car.
Archeological excavations: Denomination,Signaling Placement,Enrichment of museums with objects and information,Staff and guider for museums.
Thermal Baths Visitors: Most of the visitors are from Albania (Shkodra,Tirana,Durrës,Lushnja,Fieri,etc) with an age between 50-80 years old.They visit thermal baths for its healing abilities
It also provides public transport,accomodation plus touristic services such as picnics,cultural visits,social activities,recreative parks,etc.
Project Title: Prevention of risks for environmental sustainable practices for agro producers PRESPA
Funded by the European Union
IPA Component: IPA 2, Cross border cooperation: Republic of North Macedonia – Republic of Albania (www.ipacbc-mk-al.eu)
Project duration: 30 months
Start date of the project: 15.12.2021
End date of the project: 14.06.2024
During the implementation of bioprospect project.
Stakeholder mobilization was organised in the forestry in June 7,2018.
At least 40 people participated,representatives of institutions,businesses,community,schools,NGOs.The project was presented to the participants by Municipality.Forest Service Directory made their own presentation on the values of this protected area.Participants made different questions and suggestions
Korca nje tjeter here eshte ne paranoje te zhvillimit turistik ne Shqiperi!
Duke nisur qe nga muaji Gusht,vizitoret e shumte do te kene mundesine te njihen me qytetin juglindor permes nje Treni Panoramik qe do te levize ne vendet me ikonike te Korces,si Pazari i Vjeter (TID Korca),zona pedonale (BID Korca),bulevardi Republika,etj.Projekti i titulluar "Happy Train",i mbeshtetur nga Fondacioni Shqiptaro-Amerikan per Zhvillim,eshte ideuar dhe vene ne jete nga shoqatat lokale BID Korca dhe Destination Organization Management Korce."Happy Train" do te ofroje per 20 persona audio guida elektonike shoqeruese ne gjuhet shqip,anglisht dhe greqisht.Shume shpejt do te shtohen dhe gjuhet italiane,frenge e gjermane,duke marre ne konsiderate profilin e turisteve qe vizitojne qytetitn.
With the aim, transfer of experience and education for quality improvement of the fruits, the agro-producers from the regions Prespa and Korcha were part of a study visit in Slovakia and Hungary within the project “Innovative practices for environmental protection phase II” financed by the European Union.
Project Title: Innovative Practices in Environmental Protection phase II
IPA Component: IPA 2, Cross Border Cooperation Programme.
Project duration: 24 Months, 15.11.2017- 14.11.2019
Cost of the action: 439,929.60 €
Lead applicant and co-applicants: Center for Civic Initiative (CCI) as the lead applicant and Destination Management Organization (DMO), Association of fruit producers Blagoj A. Kotlarovski and Agrinas-ER as co-applicants.
Project Title: Flood prevention for environment protection
IPA Component: IPA 2, Cross border cooperation: Republic of North Macedonia – Republic of Albania
Project duration: 24 months
Start date of the project: 15.11.2019
End date of the project: 14.11.2021
Total Budget: 590,213.00 €
Lead applicant and co-applicants:
Association Center for Civic Initiative (CCI)
Destination Management Organization (DMO)
Municipality of Mogila
Municipality of Maliq