Happy Train
Korca nje tjeter here eshte ne paranoje te zhvillimit turistik ne Shqiperi!
Duke nisur qe nga muaji Gusht,vizitoret e shumte do te kene mundesine te njihen me qytetin juglindor permes nje Treni Panoramik qe do te levize ne vendet me ikonike te Korces,si Pazari i Vjeter (TID Korca),zona pedonale (BID Korca),bulevardi Republika,etj.Projekti i titulluar "Happy Train",i mbeshtetur nga Fondacioni Shqiptaro-Amerikan per Zhvillim,eshte ideuar dhe vene ne jete nga shoqatat lokale BID Korca dhe Destination Organization Management Korce."Happy Train" do te ofroje per 20 persona audio guida elektonike shoqeruese ne gjuhet shqip,anglisht dhe greqisht.Shume shpejt do te shtohen dhe gjuhet italiane,frenge e gjermane,duke marre ne konsiderate profilin e turisteve qe vizitojne qytetitn.
Korca is once more in the forefront of tourism developement in Albania!
Starting from August,many visitors will have the opportunity to discover the southeastern city through a Panoramic Train that will stop to the most iconic places in Korca,such as the Old Bazaar (TID Korca),the pedestrian zone (BID Korca),Republic Boulevard,etc.The project called "Happy Train",supported the Albanian American Developement Foundation,has been designed and implemented by local BID Korca associations and the Destination Management Organization of Korca. "Happy Train" will provide to 20 visitors electronic audio guides in Albanian,English and Greek languages.Italian,French and German languages will be soon added,considering the profile of tourists visiting the city.